Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday Faces

The boys all took a bath together for the first time in a long time.  Could it get any sweeter than this?  I had to get the camera out!  Parker agreed after he made sure all shots were going to be above the waste : )

Livia stayed all night with her sweet little friend Harli and they did a play "photo shoot".  I thought I would take advantage of all of the pictures of my beautiful little girl.  I still like to think little, anyway.  She is growing up so quickly!  Not quite grown up for all that make-up they used though!

P.S.  You still have the opportunity to win a chance for a free vacation on the beach in Florida, while helping the Haiti and the orphans in the D.R.C.!  Go visit The Terry's and buy a ticket or two or three or more!!!!


  1. I love your little oreo cookie boys! And- I agree. Livia and Bryce would make an adorable couple :-)

  2. Livia and I have the same comforter...which I am finding amusing.

  3. The pics of the boys are possibly some of the cutest I've ever seen!

  4. Just noticed the Zazzle store is the bottom of your blog. You are so cool. Thank you for posting it! Let me know what shirt you want so I can order it for you.


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