Saturday, February 6, 2010

Windows to a Winter Wonderland

When we first saw our house, we both immediately fell in love with all of the full length windows.  It was on an ugly gloomy winter day.  But we still saw the potential in those windows and in the rest of the house that needed some tender loving care.  We were still in awww of the beauty we saw the first spring and the first snow. 

This morning this is what I saw from my bed.

Pictures do not do the view justice.  Here is a zoomed in view.

Then I got up walked through living room to see...

Then into the kitchen to see......

Then finally to the front door.....

Yeah, I am pretty sure I am living in the middle of Winter Wonderland today.


  1. Hi! I've loved reading through your blog - you have a beautiful family! My name is Missy and my family and I live in Indiana - just outside of Indianapolis. We are really feeling led to an adoption in the DRC and are currently in the praying/researching phase (but we're feeling close to a decision!!) We've had some great conversations with Jilma and have also spoken with Megan in KY. We are really, really excited about where God is leading us, but also have so many questions. Would you be willing to talk to us about your experience? If so, could you email me at mkflint77(at)hotmail(dot)com? I could share our phone number with you then over email. Thanks and enjoy all this beautiful snow! : )


Let me know your reading! I'd love to hear from you!